AirShare Partners In Flight Ltd. are owners of three aircraft at Boundary Bay Airport (CZBB) near Vancouver, British Columbia. Our two Cessna 172s and Piper Cherokee are owned under a corporate partnership with 38 members. The planes are hangared for better protection from the elements. Lowell Breckon is President and manages the partnership - bookings, maintenance and accounting.
New Fuel Service Hours starting October 31, 2012
Please note that as of tomorrow Thursday November 1st Alpha Aviation and Boundary Bay Air Services will be changing over to our winter hours. The FBO will be open, and fuel calls for 100LL and Jet A-1 will be accepted from 07:30 to 19:30 daily. Many of you may also be aware that we have a card lock available for use, 24 hours a day 7 days a week and it dispenses 100LL. The card lock is located just to the west of Heli-One on the North side of Apron 2.
If you have any questions regarding this e-mail or any other service that we provide, please contact the main office at 604-946-5361.